Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Aren't we just a little too sensitive?

I think the victim culture that has pervaded the country for the last few decades has got to go.

Take this latest example:

Evidently, a high school girl didn't feel comfortable saying no to a free bible in front of her friends. She was afraid of being labeled a "devil worshipper". So the ACLU (an organization that is strictly hit and miss with me. This instance qualifies as a resounding miss) sues the school board to tell the bible thumpers they can't hand out their Gideon bibles anymore. Seriously?

Haven't we gone just a bit overboard with the whole church/state thing? Don't get me wrong, I do believe that there should be some limits to church and state interacting, but getting your panties in a twist for passing out bibles? This is beyond ridiculous. This is taking what was meant to be a safeguard against government sponsorship of a specific religion and turning it into a whipping post for anyone who has a grudge against organized religion. Yes, I could see someone having an issue with a specific religion or organization that is religious and how it affects their child. But just because I don't want some low-rent mullah telling my son about the glories of Islam doesn't mean that I should go sue the school board for letting it happen.

Seriously, people; let it go. It's okay if Junior comes home with some questions about the Greek Orthodox Church and your family is practicing Southern Baptists. Or if little Anne Marie decides to attend the FCA study group, despite the fact that you have raised her agnostic. We all need to stop feeling so threatened by every last little thing that enters our life.

Hey, I don't think I cursed once in that post! Shit fire and save the matches, I better fuckin' fix that shit right now! Ah, better.


Seth said...

"Some" separation of church and state? I don't know how they do it in Oklahoma, but there's no qualifier in the separation of church and state where I'm from. It's total.

I suppose you would have posted the same story if someone was passing out, oh, let's say... the Qur'an? "Don't get your panties in a bunch, people, it's just the Qur'an!"

WRONG! You'd be like, "I don't want that being distributed to the youth... they're AMERICAN, dad-gummit!"

OK, maybe YOU would be OK with them handing out various religious texts, I don't know. But why bother? Cross the streets, assholes, get off PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY. What kind of DUMBASS principal does not see the DIRECT contradiction this has with first amendment? "Tell the students they DO NOT have to take a bible!" OK, thanks, moron! Meanwhile, you've got bible thumpers you've invited to your school! You're doing a great job, Cletus!

OK, you don't HAVE to grab that bible, little girl. I also want to remind you, you don't HAVE to pray with us every morning...

But we'll certainly humiliate you if you don't!

Nope. Public school. No gods allowed.

tsweeten said...

and this is what I want to see! Yes, hot dammit! Somebody has jumped up out of their lazyboy and is spitting fire!

Seriously, one of the secondary ideas for this blog was to get people passionate about stuff. I don't care if you disagree with me (of course, YOU ARE WRONG), just as long as you have an opinion and are not afraid to voice it.