Sunday, April 27, 2008

Idiots and their idiot sayings

Spring time is upon us. I don't know what the weather is like in your part of the world, but here, spring time is the beginning of some seriously hot and humid weather. The thermometer regularly hits 80 before May and the humidity is like a wet blanket. Just like flowers blooming and birds returning, jacklop idiots are another rite of spring. In this case, it's one of the fucking stupidest phrases known to man.

Every time the weather takes a turn for the sweltering, invariably some idiot will utter the phrase, "Hot enough for ya?" As if the sweat dripping down my face was some indication that, no, I'm actually a bit on the cold side, moron. Why in God's name would you ask someone if it's "hot enough" for them? What exactly does that mean? That despite a high temperature and a cloudless sky, I should somehow be discontent with my discontent? Jackasses, all of 'em.

I've been tempted, although some inner restraint has held me back, to reply to one of the GED morons that, no, it's not hot enough for me. Yeah, I'd like to see it hotter, actually. Maybe somewhere around 212 degrees, then we could all boil into soup.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Do you know what a joke is? Do you know what a sense of humor is? Or is that too hard for your obviously miserable mind to comprehend? All I can say to that article you're dumb. There is no hope for someone like you.